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Responsibility & Sustainability

at the University of St.Gallen

We envision a University of St. Gallen where sustainability is deeply embedded in all aspects of university life.

In doing so, we aim to contribute to solving grand sustainability challenges of our time, such as climate change, biodiversity loss and social inequality. This mission guides our actions in transforming HSG towards sustainability.

Happening now

HSG publishes 2024 report on its water-related activities

Since 2016, HSG has been a member of the Blue Community initiative. As part of this commitment, we produce an annual report on our water-related activities. In the latest edition, published today, you can read more about:

  • HSG’s latest water consumption figures
  • courses and public lectures on the topic of water
  • a book lecture event, co-organised with the other Blue Communities from Eastern Switzerland
  • our involvement in the Blue Community network
  • and last year’s achievements of SIMagination’s PureDrops initiative.

The report is only available in German. Please find it here: Blue Community Annual Report 2024

Author: Julian Boemelburg

Date: 30. August 2024

Job Offering: Project Coordinator Sustainability in Academia

The Delegate’s Team for Responsibility and Sustainability is hiring! We are looking for a Project Coordinator Sustainability in Academia as of September 2024, or by mutual agreement. If you have further questions, feel free to contact Fabio Allegrini.

Author: Julian Boemelburg

Date: 29. July 2024

Sebastian Rosatzin joined the Delegate’s Team for Responsibility & Sustainability

We warmly welcome Sebastian Rosatzin who has joined the Delegate’s Team for Responsibility & Sustainability as of June 2024. In his role as Assistant Manager Co-Curriculum Development, he supports the creation of a vibrant community of students and organizations dedicated to promoting sustainable practices.

Within the team of the Delegate for Responsibility and Sustainability, Sebastian will primarily work with the ECOnnect community for impact-driven student associations and project leaders that promotes responsibility and the UN Sustainability Goals (SDGs) at the University of St.Gallen. He will also be involved in additional co-curricular programmes such as the Impact Careers series, bringing together student associations and sustainability-driven HSG alumni.

Sebastian is currently completing his Master’s degree at HSG and is part of the Managing Climate Solutions (MaCS-HSG) programme. In addition to his studies, Sebastian is engaged at Student Impact, a student-run consultancy collaborating with sustainable businesses to maximize positive impact in the economy. With his diverse range of experience, he will bring valuable insights and new perspectives to the team. We wish him all the best in his new role!

Author: Julian Boemelburg

Date: 24. June 2024

Fabio Allegrini joined the Delegate’s Team for Responsibility & Sustainability

We warmly welcome Fabio Allegrini who has joined the Delegate’s Team for Responsibility & Sustainability as of May 2024. In his role as Assistant Manager Sustainability Curriculum Development, he supports the implementation of the HSG sustainability strategy by implementing sustainability initiatives into the HSG curriculum.

Fabio is currently completing his Bachelor’s degree at HSG and writing his thesis on embedding sustainability-related competencies at our University. In addition to his studies, he works in a Do-Tank that promotes sustainability and facilitation skills. Before coming to HSG, he completed his Master’s in Secondary Education at the PHSG. With his diverse range of experience, he will bring valuable insights and new perspectives to the team. We wish him all the best in his new role!

Author: Julian Boemelburg

Date: 15. May 2024

New Certificate in Sustainability for Bachelor Students

Leaders and managers across sectors are facing growing demands to drive social and environmental sustainability forward in their organisations and respond decisively to a growing global crisis – but how can we do this? We live in an increasingly complex world. The sustainability challenges we face exist at a nexus of interconnected stakeholders, systems, and perspectives. How can we develop and drive solutions for the biggest challenges of today and tomorrow in a context of rapid change and uncertainty?

The SuM-HSG enables students to accompany their bachelor studies at the University of St.Gallen with a certificate programme that provides the tools and skills to understand and effectively tackle complex sustainability challenges. Through coursework and applied projects, students will gain hands-on experience making decisions, collaborating across sectors and generations, and building practical interventions to drive progress on sustainability from a systemic perspective.

Starting in fall 2024, the SuM provides you with the tools and skills to understand and effectively tackle complex sustainability challenges in your future career. You will learn to build partnerships, make decisions, devise solutions, and implement initiatives essential to driving progress towards a sustainable future. The SuM, granting 24 ECTS, is open to students of all bachelor’s programmes at HSG.

Application is now open until end of June!

Author: Julian Boemelburg

Date: 29. April 2024

IDG St. Gallen Hub: Promoting Inner Growth for Outer Change

On Thursday, March 28, 2024, a diverse group of around 40 changemakers gathered at SQUARE to kick-off the Inner Development Goals (IDG) St.Gallen Hub. The IDG Hub idea initially emerged in exchanges between team members of the Sustainability Innovation Lab (ITEM), the Responsibility and Sustainability Team and the Competence Center for Social Innovation at the University of St. Gallen, who believe that higher education institutions in the St.Gallen region can contribute to the global movement by:  

  • Bringing researchers, scholars and practitioners together to explore collective action around Sustainability, Innovation and Leadership;
  • Learning, innovating, prototyping, practicing and sharing experiences of projects and application of IDG-inspired tools;
  • Connecting with experts from the private sector, the local community and other cantonal institutions to engage in (or create) local events or programs.

During the kick-off, people from small and large enterprises, NGOs, Think- and Do tanks, start-ups, foundations and academia came together to learn about existing and future activities in St. Gallen, Switzerland, and the world. Mauricio Suarez, co-founder of the Swiss IDG Hub, introduced the Inner Development Framework to the participants. Impact Hub Zurich co-founder Niels Rot presented the web-app Rflect that allows Students to take charge of their learning journeys and to combine it with (peer-) coaching processes. Additional Impulses illustrating promising initiatives were given by Maximilian Palmié, Suzanne Dvorak, Rachel Brooks, Jost Hamschmidt and Johannes Tschiderer. 

What are the Inner Development Goals? 

The Inner Development Goals represent a growing decentralized non-profit, open-source initiative. The IDGs are based on the assessment that progress to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals is not happening fast enough, and we urgently need to increase our collective abilities to face and work effectively with complex challenges. 

Mauricio Suarez, stated in his introduction to the IDG’s: “The Inner Development Goals are not just another thing. They combine different schools of thought and are therefore like the sweet filling of the doughnut”. He referred to Kate Raworth’s concept of doughnut economics, which hints to the need to operate within a safe and just space for humanity by fulfilling socio-economic needs while accepting planetary ecological boundaries.  

The kick-off was filled with a vibrant energy for action. A number of concrete ideas for working with the Inner Development Goals were developed. They ranged from contributing to the development of the post-2030 SDGs to integrating inner development practices into university seminars. To keep the momentum going, a core team of the IDGs St. Gallen Hub is being developed to further connect interested stakeholders and regularly inform them about local, regional and global initiatives focused on inner development and transformative learning.  

A big thank you to all the co-founders who made the founding meeting of the IDG St. Gallen Hub a success. Special thanks to Monica Barroso from the ITEM Sustainability Innovation Lab who facilitated the launch event. If you want to collaborate or learn more about the IDG St. Gallen Hub activities to promote inner growth, a sustainable future and impactful change, contact

Author: ECOnnect

Date: 4. April 2024

Academic Poster Session 2024

As part of the oikos Sustainability Week 2024, the Delegate’s team for Responsibility and Sustainability will again organize an academic poster session to present current research projects related to the SDGs. We encourage PhD students, postdocs, and faculty members to participate by presenting an academic poster about their research project. If you want to participate with a poster, please sign up by February 14 to 

It is a great opportunity to get feedback on your research, connect with like-minded people within the HSG community and get inspiration for your own work.

The Delegate’s team will sponsor the printing of the posters as well as drinks and snacks during the event. If you want to participate without submitting a paper, please block the date in your calendar – a registration link will be provided soon via oikos announcement.

Sign up by 14.02.2024 and hand in your poster by 28.02.2024 via 

Session takes place: 06.03.2023, 3.30 – 5.30 pm at SQUARE

We are looking forward to seeing you there!

Author: Julian Boemelburg

Date: 8. February 2024

Award-winning research at HSG

HSG researcher Anna Stünzi (Institute of Political Science) and her colleagues from ETH Zurich are among the winners of this year’s Financial Times Responsible Business Education awards in the category Academic Research. The team developed a natural language processing model — called ClimateFinanceBERT — that identifies and categorises these climate projects. Countries self-report the climate projects and the money they contribute, all using different methods and in a process that is not transparent.

Furthermore, HSG researchers Tami Dinh & Anna Husmann (both Institute of Accounting, Controlling and Auditing) together with their colleague from HEC Lausanne won the best paper award 2023 in Accounting in Europe with their paper “Corporate Sustainability Reporting in Europe: A Scoping Review”. Based on material issues identified for the European context, their study provides a research agenda based on comprehensive and rigorous scientific evidence on the state of the art of sustainability research in Europe.

Congratulations to all winners on these wonderful achievements!

Author: Julian Boemelburg

Date: 8. February 2024

Upcoming Events

Learning Ecologies: Nature – a source of risk, inspiration, and value creation for businesses

26. September 2024

Standort: Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, Museumstrasse 32, 9000 St.Gallen

Von: 26.09.2024, 19:00
26.09.2024, 21:00

What does biodiversity have to do with business? In this talk, Prof. Judith Walls will explore how more than half of our economy relies directly on nature, showing that -literally- biodiversity is the foundation for all life on Earth. Until recently, business has mostly ignored its dependence on nature. However, without nature, business does not have access to free services like air and water purification, climate control, and many other core ecological functions. In addition, nature provides us with raw materials that are essential for production in many industries and functions as a source of inspiration for innovation. As well as relying on nature, business activities impact nature in the form of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution. And, changes in nature present a source of risk for businesses. Business leaders are starting to pay attention to what nature is telling us, especially as investors and insurers begin to estimate the financial costs associated with our relationship to nature. The keynote speech will be followed by a discussion, hosted by Gianni Jetzer, Director of the Kunstmuseum St.Gallen.

The event is part of the “Learning Ecologies” series, a collaboration between the University of St.Gallen and the Kunstmuseum St.Gallen. The lecture series is part of the interactive exhibition “Experimental Ecology – Art and Science in Dialogue”,  which provides new ideas on ecology. Five teams, each consisting of an artist and a scientist, approach current ecological issues from their respective perspectives. The exhibition opens new horizons and encourages dialogue between disciplines. More information can be found on the homepage of the Kunstmuseum St.Gallen.

Key facts

Our engagement and activites

Our contribution to the SDGs

The 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agreed upon in 2015 by the United Nations provide an overarching framework for addressing the world’s sustainability challenges. Find out more about the University of St. Gallen contribution to achieving the SGDs goals through our activities.

How students are shaping sustainability at HSG

Student engagement has always been a central part to campus life at the University of St.Gallen. There are several student associations that focus on sustainability and help shape the university’s sustainability activities.

Student Initiatives