Are you teaching at HSG and seek ways how to better embed sustainability into your class?
Then don’t miss the opportunity and choose from two options – the Sustainability Thematic Block for course evaluations and the Sustainability TAP – to get the focused feedback on sustainability you need.
(1) The Sustainability Thematic Block is a fixed set of 3 questions addressing different aspects of sustainability that you can add to your course evaluation. Because these questions are bundled to address one topic, they count as only 1 question of the 2 customized questions allotted to lecturers. You can select to include these questions via the course evaluation platform.
(2) Sustainability TAPs are specially designed Teaching Analysis Polls (TAPs) jointly developed by the HSG Delegate’s Team for Responsibility & Sustainability and the TAP Team. They are constructed for lecturers to get the support they need from their students to collaboratively improve the integration of sustainability in their courses – regardless of the topic, discipline or program.
Sustainability TAPs follow the overall structure and procedures of the standard TAP, while additionally offering the opportunities:
- for students to share their sustainability-related learning experiences in a specific course in order to improve the integration of sustainability themes in that course. This integration, in turn, helps equip students to face existing and future sustainability challenges related to the course topic and discipline.
- for lecturers to gain insights on sustainability from their students via an anonymous qualitative method conducted by the TAP Team. Lecturers get customized input to keep improving the content and implementation of sustainability-related course topics.
There are only benefits, so don’t hesitate – register for a Sustainability TAP and add the Sustainability Thematic Block to your course today – please find more information on the HSG FacultyWeb Intranet.
Sustainability TAP and the Sustainability Thematic Block are elements of the broader HSG Sustainability Curriculum Support System created to meet the objectives of HSG Strategic Plan 2025. For more information on the Support System visit Responsibility & Sustainability – University of St. Gallen (
Author: Julian Boemelburg
Date: 2. November 2023