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The ECOnnect Challenge – associations become carbon neutral

The ECOnnect Challenge, a cooperation of the sustainability platform ECOnnect and the SHSG, encourages associations and initiatives at HSG to deal with the topic of carbon neutrality. Associations and initiatives have the chance to propose one concrete project idea how associations can become more carbon neutral. The winner of the challenges receives CHF 1`500 to implement the project idea.

The challenge was supported by Southpole, that provides tools to achieve a low-carbon reality, with a workshop about carbon neutrality. In this workshop students and associations had the chance to learn more about carbon neutrality in general and how their own associations can become more carbon neutral.

The next step will be the Jury Pitch, where Prof. Dr. Judith L. Walls, Prof. Moritz Loock, Sandra Ramme and the SHSG Board will find the winner of the ECOnnect Challenge. Associations and Initiatives can pitch their project idea during 5 minutes, followed by a Q&A.

Read more about the ECOnnect Challenge in this article: The ECOnnect Challenge

Author: Lasse van Look

Date: 24. November 2021