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The student union launches the HSG Sustainability Charter

The HSG Charter Community (HCC) is a coaliation of clubs aiming at tackling the great challenges of our time.  At the kick-off event in May, the Student Union at the University of St.Gallen (SHSG) united more than 30 accredited clubs at HSG in order to develop synergies and create impactful projects. It is a strong signal to external stakeholders that HSG students are comitted to sustainability.

Through the General Assembly, the Council & Task Forces, the SHSG wants to build a platform that enable discussions and bring important matters forward. The project is open to any student initiative that agrees to the charter structure and wants to participate in the discussion.

The SHSG is committed to sustainability through their new corporate values. Not only does the SHSG support sustainable initiatives such as the Charter or the student initatives related to the carbon challenges in the certificate programme “Managing CLimate Solutions”, the SHSG also reformed one of its fonds, the Social & Cultural Fonds into the Social & Sustainable Impact Fonds. This represents the SHSG’s commitment to financially support student initiatives with great potential on the social, sustainable and cultural topics.

If you want to learn more or want to get engaged, please contact (Irina Kopatz).

Author: Tabea Bereuther

Date: 8. June 2021