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ESG Metrics and Portfolio Management [Sustainable Investment Club]

Elevate your understanding of ESG Metrics and Portfolio Management with Tom Gosling.

Prof. Dr. Julian Kölbel invited Tom Gosling, Executive Fellow at London Business School and at the European Corporate Governance Institute, from London to St.Gallen to give a guest lecture on ESG incentives and executive pay in the context of Dr. Kölbels course “ESG Metrics and Portfolio Management” (8,199,1.00).

The Sustainable Investment Club (SIC) got in contact with Dr. Kölbel and together came up with the idea, to open up this guest lecture to other interested students. The event is a joint application (faculty plus students) and Mr. Gosling arrives from London by train.

24. April 2024

Standort: Main Building, 01-U123

Von: 24.04.2024, 10:15
24.04.2024, 12:00