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Opening event of the Impact Collab

On the 22nd of February 2022 was the Kick-off Event of the Impact Collab. This new initiative, founded by the student union of the University of St. Gallen, ECOnnect and the ChangeHub aims to bring students and associations together to facilitate exchange and collaboration on sustainable issues. Many associations are confronted with the same issues and challenges. How do I organize an event sustainable? Where can I buy sustainable merchandise?

Impact Collab will strengthen the collaboration of clubs on these topics and make it known at the University of St. Gallen.

At the first kick-off event in the SQUARE with 30 participants and about 15 different associations of all kinds, the first project ideas were discussed, synergies shared and first collaborations discussed.

We are looking forward to new sustainable student projects and are excited about the results of the first collaborations.

Author: Lasse van Look

Date: 23. February 2022