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HSG Impact Award 2022

This year, the University of St.Gallen (HSG) is conferring the HSG Impact Awards for the fifth time. HSG researchers will receive awards for the valuable contribution they make to society through their projects. The jury, consisting of practitioners and university members, assessed applications from various HSG research disciplines.

Three awards are being conferred: to the research project “Ethik der Covid-19 Pandemie” (Ethics of the Covid-19 Pandemic) by Prof. Dr. Thomas Beschorner and Prof. Dr. Martin Kolmar, to the project “Life Design” by Prof. Dr. Sebastian Kernbach, Prof. Dr. Martin Eppler and Prof. Dr. Sabrina Bresciani, and to “Die Zukunft der Arbeit verantwortungsvoll gestalten: Implikationen aus dem Pioneering-Projekt Resilienz und Hochleistung @Hilti” (Responsibly Designing the Future of Work: Implications from the Pioneering Project Resilience and High Performance @Hilti) by Prof. Dr. Heike Bruch, Prof. Dr. Nils Fürstenberg and Frederik Hesse.

A desription of the projects and videos can be found here.

Author: Tabea Bereuther

Date: 18. May 2022