Are you interested in sustainability and in the work of NGOs, NPOs & think-tanks? Then, join this open career panel, connect with professionals working for Swiss NGOs!
The career panel consists of four professionals who are eager to share their insights on how they work towards a sustainable future, what factors have influenced their career choices and what mindsets & skills they regard as crucial for success.
Our first panelist, Bertha Camacho, is Managing Director of the SKAT Foundation, an independent Swiss Non-Profit Organisation in the area of development cooperation. Their aim is to improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations in developing and transitioning countries, by promoting sustainable development practices and support projects in eight different countries around the globe.
Our second panelist, Moritz Meyer, is Head of Communication for the German-Speaking part of Switzerland at One Planet Lab and responsible for communication and knowledge transfer at the Impact Hub in Zurich. One Planet Lab has the vision to shape a future in which we only consume as many resources as our planet can provide. That is why they strive to make more conscious consumption decisions, establish a circular economy and create political framework conditions that favor sustainability. Impact Hub is a Swiss-wide community of entrepreneurs, creatives and techies with the aim to promote and facilitate entrepreneurship, sustainable development, innovation and new forms of work.
Our third panelist is Sereina Capatt, Co-director of the participative Swiss think tank foraus (Forum Aussenpolitik). As a dynamic grassroots community of young people, foraus shapes foreign policy, influence the way foreign policy is made, promote new voices, and make them heard – both within Switzerland and internationally. As a matter of fact, foraus St.Gallen is co-hosting and co-moderating this career panel.
Our foruth panelist is Paolo Marioni, Co-Founder and Co-Director of Expedition Future, a think- and do-tank for innovation and collaboration in politics. Their goal is to enable the Swiss political system to deal with complex societal challenges more effectively and efficiently. Therefore, they developed the Policy Sprint: a collaborative workshop process for policymakers to efficiently develop and implement concrete proposals and measures. In 2023, it received the European Award for Policy Innovation.
We are looking forward to seeing you there!
When? October 12th, 6-8pm + Apero
Where? Square, Vadian-Gallus (11-0111)
This event is organized by ECOnnect, foraus St.Gallen, St.Gallen Model United Nations, and the Responsibility & Sustainability Team at the University of St.Gallen.